
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


PENIDA (“We”, “Us”, and “Our”) offers several applications (“Apps”) including BIG Digital Download, COWLENDAR BOOKING APPOINTMENT, BEE LOGO SHOWCASE, and GOAT – TRUST BADGES AND ICONS, as part of our services for Shopify merchants. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of personal information when you install or use our Apps in connection with your Shopify-supported store. Our registered office is at 14 RUE CHARLES-V, 75004 PARIS 4, France, with SIRET number 88033708400037. This Privacy Policy informs you about our practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of the information you provide through our Apps, available at

Information Collection and Use

We collect information necessary to provide our Services, which may include:

  1. Personal identification details (such as name and email address)

  2. Shopify store information : Related to your account and transactions.

  3. Billing Information: For processing transactions.

  4. Technical Data: IP addresses, device information, and usage statistics.

  5. Transaction and usage data

  6. Google Calendar information for COWLENDAR BOOKING APPOINTMENT to check for conflicting events and create new events (no other Google Calendar data is stored or shared)

We use this data for the following purposes:

  1. Provide and maintain our Services

  2. Notify you of changes to our Services

  3. Offer customer support

  4. Improve our Services through analysis and feedback

  5. Monitor usage and address technical issues

  6. Send information about goods, services, and events similar to those you have used or inquired about (subject to your consent where required)

  7. Prevent fraudulent or illegal activities

  8. Comply with legal obligations

Data Retention Policy

  1. All Apps retain customer data for both paying and free users.

  2. For free users, data is retained for 60 days post-trial for potential service continuation.

  3. For paying customers, data is retained for 60 days post-contract termination, with provisions for renewal or user-requested deletion.

  4. Exceptions may apply in cases of legal, billing, or accounting requirements.

Data Storage and Deletion

  1. We store Shopify access tokens and necessary data for App functionality.

  2. Upon uninstallation of our Apps, all store-related data is deleted.

  3. We do not store your Shopify login credentials.

Third-Party Services

  1. Our Apps are hosted on Digital Ocean. Data may be shared with Digital Ocean as necessary for hosting and operating the Apps.

  2. Our website may link to external sites not operated by us, and we hold no responsibility for their privacy practices.


We use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, acknowledging that no internet transmission or storage method is 100% secure but we take reasonable measures to protect your personal information.Our website may link to external sites not operated by us, and we hold no responsibility for their privacy practices.


We do not use cookies to track users of our Apps.

Compliance with GDPR and CCPA

  1. We adhere to GDPR regulations, providing rights to modify, delete, and consent to the collection of your data. Learn more about GDPR at

  2. Under CCPA, you have the right to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy, with notifications of changes sent by email. Regular review of this policy is recommended.Under CCPA, you have the right to access, delete, or opt out of the sale of your personal information.

Contact Us

For questions or suggestions regarding our Privacy Policy, contact us at,, or through our support page.

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